Communication between client and therapist is essential to provide the best therapeutic massage possible. A professional massage therapist should not be offended by a client who asks them for deeper work or to move a little left or right. If they do get offended, then find another therapist.
Yes. A therapeutic massage can at times be intense, but, it should never be painful. A painful massage is counterproductive.
Communicate with your therapist. The therapist will adjust their touch/technique to help diminish the sensation.
If the treatment consists of structural integration techniques, then yes, bruising may occur due to the intensity of this type of work.
No, not at all. As a matter of fact, it can be construed as an act of trust. When your client is so comfortable and trusting of you, they fall asleep on the table, this is considered a huge compliment—they have completely given themselves to their therapist. A client who talks during their entire massage session is not reaping the rewards of the complete healing process the therapist is attempting to provide.
Massage therapy releases toxins. Your massage therapists ask clients to drink plenty of water to help flush out these toxins.